Parallel World ๐ŸŒŽ

You had lived there with true deeds.

Did require duties as social animal.

Never left any undone trials,

To restore the wrecked boat,

Which caused by the greedy storm.

You listened friends, parents and relatives,

Occasionally considered them as guide.

For ordinary hard to select the genuine,

Because you haven't attained high realm yet,

To secure the accuracy in a moment.

You were attached with an invisible air,

Blows in any direction in search of self-regard.

Tried hardest to step forward on bamboo bridge,

Made up of a single bamboo laid accross.

The river that flows steadily downward.

Oh time, you brought me here,

Taught me to walk along with you.

Oh world that I have ever failed you,

To understand which already laid down within.

Create a new world for you to live now.

Build a home not a house.

Assemble inner peace and true humanity.

Don't let others to establish any destruction,

Parted away from evil attachments.

Make your own accord and live happily ever and after.


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